!http://www.mediumrecords.com/random/wp-content/yuri/DSCN6778-tb.jpg!:http://www.mediumrecords.com/random/?page_id=33 !http://www.mediumrecords.com/random/wp-content/yuri/DSCN6817-tb.jpg!:http://www.mediumrecords.com/random/?page_id=33
“info on project-page>>>>>>”:http://www.mediumrecords.com/random/?page_id=33
I just stumbled upon your website about 2 days ago and found your video generator/effects/box/thing, and it was AMAZING! It would be awesome if you could share your ideas or how it works because I don’t have quite the knowledge to build my own, and there isn’t anything on the web that comes close to that thing!
Anyway, I love what you are doing. sounds great!
guess i’ll have to post schematics in future then.